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Responses to Initial Questions posed by the Examiner


Loose Neighbourhood Plan

Examiner procedural letter and questions


Joint Maidstone Borough Council and Loose Parish Council response to Question 1: Re. policy LP1 (Views Across Village and Countryside):

The Loose Road Character Area Assessment 2008 is an adopted Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).  Although extant, it is recognised that the weight given to the SPD in development management decisions will be influenced by the age of the document.  Only a small part of the SPD overlaps with the Loose Neighbourhood Area, and the protected views in the SPD do not correlate to those identified in Policy LP1 of the Loose Neighbourhood Plan.  With reference to Policy LP2, the Area of Local Landscape Importance is totally outside the area covered by the SPD.  Given the small overlap in area between the SPD and the Neighbourhood Plan, together with the Design Guide that is included in the Neighbourhood Plan, the reference to the SPD in Policy LP3 is not considered necessary.  Consequently, Maidstone Borough Council and Loose Parish Council request that the Examiner gives consideration to recommending modifications to the Neighbourhood Plan which delete references to the SPD in Policies LP1, LP2, LP3 and paragraph 2.21.


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