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The new Loose Neighbourhood Plan
for the expanded Parish


On 25th September 2019,

the full council of MBC voted to

make (approve) the Plan for Loose..


With the changes to Parish and Ward boundaries, and the recent adoption of the new MBC Local Plan, a new Neighbourhood Plan to cover the enlarged area and take in new circumstances needs to be prepared.

A Steering Group to achieve this has recently been created.

This site is being maintained as it continues to feature on search engines and may be book-marked by users, but your main source of information should now be the Parish Council website for up-to-date developments.

For reference, these are the two existing Neighbourhood Plans

NLRA Neighbourhood Plan Cover.jpg
Front Cover Mod to Made 25th Sept.jpg

Keep updated on developments by bookmarking this site. Information is also available on the Parish Council website,  Parish Noticeboards and in local media including the KM.

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